April 8-12

Welcome Back Everyone,

I apologize for not having our Blog ready for you last week, but this week will be full of events that you’ll want to be aware of. Our biggest event this week is our annual McMillin Idol show! Each year students try out for a chance to share their talents on the stage and each year we are amazed with the performances. Our first show will be on Tuesday from 6 to 8:30 pm in our auditorium. We will have a second show on Wednesday also from 6 to 8:30. Both shows are very well attended so please plan accordingly.

Also this week (Friday) volunteers from Junior Achievement (http://jasandiego.org/programs/elementary.html) will be coming to our campus. Their goal is to provide engaging themes to help K-5 students learn economic concepts through the Elementary School Program. Each theme builds on the previous and stresses the relationship between school and future success.

Enjoy the week!