Jan 21-24

welcomebackWelcome back Everyone! I apologize for not sending out a blog post last week, but you can continue to look forward to my post as a regular way of communicating with all of you.

As we begin the 3rd quarter, we continue to prepare our students for the rigors of the new Common Core Standards. Although challenging, we believe the standards will allow students to be better prepared for the future that awaits them.  Please join me for this quarters Coffee with the Principal meeting on Friday Jan. 24 at 8:30 am in the auditorium, where we can continue to discuss the new standards. In addition, parents will have the opportunity to listen to a presentation by an organization that teaches students about robotics. Hope to see you there!

The next couple of weeks look to be fairly quiet on our calendar, but keep coming back to the blog for any updates!

Have a great Tuesday 🙂