Aug 10-14

Site CouncilDear Parents:

The primary task of the School Site Council is to ensure our school is continually engaged in identifying and implementing curriculum and instructional practices that result in both strengthening the core academic program and ensuring students have access to and success in that program. The School Site Council is also responsible for continually updating and implementing the school plan and for the allocation of resources.

The McMillin School Site Council is comprised of six parents, four teachers, one classified employee and the Principal.   Currently there are 4 Parent Council vacancies with two-year terms.

Ballots to elect new School Site Council members will be sent home to all parents on Tuesday, August 11th. Elections will take place the week of August 11th-14th and all ballots will be due in the school office no later than August 14th. The newly elected parent representatives will begin their term of office at the Sept 2015 meeting.

Autobiographical sketches of each candidate will be on display in front of the office until after elections. Please consider this as a great opportunity to become involved with your child’s education.

Morning and After School Reminders

I want to take a moment to remind all McMillin families that all students should wait in front of the school until the 8:10 am bell rings before entering the campus. If you come from the back of the school we ask that you walk to the front and wait until the bell. I’d also like to remind you that parents are asked to quickly drop off their children in the drop off zone, indicated by the white curb. Please do not park in the drop off zone, rather feel free to park in the parent parking lot.
After school all student are to make there way home immediately, unless plans have been prearranged. All students being picked up in a vehicle should be picked up in our pick-up area located on the playground blacktop. The only exception to this is for our TK and Kinder students. I want to remind everyone picking up students in the neighborhood behind the school that CVPD regularly tickets cars that are parked illegally, so I encourage you to use our pick-up area. It has proven to be much safer and typically it takes 5-15 min at most to enter and exit the area.

Important Upcoming Events

  • Tuesday Aug 11-DAC/DELAC Meeting @ District Office 12 pm. SSC Meeting @ McMillin 3 pm
  • Thursday Aug 13-Full Disaster Drill
  • Friday Aug 14 Identi-Kid will be here to take pictures of students for any interested parents.
  • Tuesday Aug 18- McMillin ELAC meeting 8:30 am
  • Thursday Aug 20- Beagle Bolt Kickoff