Welcome Back Families and Students

McMillin Welcome Video

Drop Off and Pick Up of Students:

Remember students can be dropped off as early as 7:45 am but not before. We do not provide supervision before 7:45 am so please do not drop students off before then. If students are dropped off earlier than 7:45 am, they will need to call their parents to come to pick them back up from school. This is for the safety of students.

If you can, please walk to school. McMillin was designed as a walking community and the traffic around the school can cause delays.

If you need to drive students to school, expect the traffic to back up on Santa Cora Ave after 8:00 am. Remember, you will not be allowed to park in our drop off area, bus loop, or staff parking lot. Our parking lot is usually full by 8:00 am as well.

This year, we will not have cars drive around to the blacktop to pick up students. All student will wait in front of the school for their pick up.


Class Lists:

We will have the class list posted in the morning if you did not come to pick up your child’s packet on Friday. Your child’s packet will be given to them by their teacher on Monday as well.

On Monday, we will be having a Hawaii Luau welcome back Spirit day. So come in your flowers if you can.

See you soon,

Mrs. Orr