Sep. 4th-7th

Recently I came across this website and thought there was some great information we can all learn from.

What You Can Do at Home to Help Your Child Succeed at School

Research shows that children are more likely to succeed in school if parents or caregivers take an active part in their education.  Most parents want to get more involved in their child’s education, but may not be sure how to begin. A great starting point is sharing a positive attitude about school with your child.

Be careful not to pass on negative attitudes about school that may be a part of your own past experience. Without realizing it, you could start your child off on the wrong foot by recalling bad memories from your own school days. Giving children the idea that school is too difficult, that teachers are unfair, or that school isn’t important will discourage them from doing well. Instead, talk about your friends from school, your favorite teachers or your best subject. If school was a bad experience for you, you might tell them you made the mistake of not liking school and you don’t want them to do the same.

Talk to your child about what they are learning at school. From kindergartner to high school senior, it’s important to ask students about their school subjects. Ask open-ended questions about their class work —questions that can’t be answered with a “yes” or ‘no.” Share any knowledge you have, and if you are curious, read the textbook!

Help your child get organized to do homework. Create a study area or corner for homework. You can start this as early as Kindergarten, and it becomes more important as homework is assigned. Have a table and chair in a quiet place away from the TV, perhaps in the corner of a bedroom. Add a lamp, if needed. Add a box for books and supplies. Make a special trip to the store to buy supplies such as paper, pencils, and colored pens. As your child gets older, add a clock. Help keep this area tidy and ready for use.

Reminder that Monday Sept 3 is Labor Day, so there will be no school. Enjoy the three day weekend!!