This Week At McMillin

Coffee with the Principal

Coffee with the Principal hosted by PTA on September 9th in the MPR

PTA Event Calendar

Will be shared at Coffee with the Principal on September 9th

Expectations By Location

This week starts our School Wide Positive Behavior Systems of Instruction.  We are starting by talking about “Expectations By Location”.  Our first location is: The Lunch Tables.  Please discuss with your child at home what some positive expectations might be at the lunch tables.

Attendance Is Important.

4th Grade Field Trip To The Health Station

Our fourth graders had a blast at the CVESD Health Station last week.

This Week At McMillin

ELAC Meeting This Wednesday August 24th at 8:30am

Emergency Drill This Week

This Tuesday August 23rd at 8:45am we will have a lockdown drill.

McMillin’s Instructional Focus

Our goal this year is to increase our students’ use of collaborative conversations in math.  Discussions increase student’s engagement, helps them take responsibility for their learning, prompts higher level thinking, offers room for clarification, encourages children to build and share knowledge and gives them an opportunity to apply comprehension strategies. Here’s an example from one of our second grade classrooms:

PTA Membership Drive

Our PTA membership drive was a great success! Thank you to all of the parents who signed up, to our teachers for encouraging families to join and for our PTA for treating the winning class (and our teachers) to a pizza lunch on Friday.  Congratulations to Ms. Desmond’s second grade class and Ms. Kinney’s 6th grade class for having the most parent sign ups.







This Week At McMillin

Dear Families,

Thank you for attending Curriculum Night.  We loved seeing so many of our families on campus!


There is still time to join the PTA.  CLICK HERE TO JOIN.

School Site Council

Congratulations to our new SSC parent representatives:

  • Jessica Pullar
  • Krystal Campbell
  • Claribel Pummay

Our first meeting is on Wednesday August 17th, see AGENDA

District B-LAC Committee Meeting

CVESD B-LAC Meeting 8.18.22 6 p.m pdf

District DAC/DELAC Meeting Agendas

1. 08-16-2022 Agenda DAC-DELAC-SPANISH (MC)

1. 08-16-2022 Agenda DAC-DELAC-ENGLISH

Picture Day August 25th

Why is School Attendance So Important?

Please schedule appointments during breaks or after school to maximize in class time.  Please remember to report all absences to


Upcoming Events

Dear McMillin Community,

Next week is Curriculum Night.  Our PTA is hosting a Welcome Fair from 4pm-5pm.  Please come by early to sign up for PTA, tour the library, learn about our programs and purchase snacks in support of our clubs.

Curriculum Night 

August 10th TK-3rd                                                                                                                      August 11th 4th-6th

Welcome Fair: 4pm-5pm                                                                                                      Classroom Presentations 5pm-6pm (Two 25 minute presentations to accommodate families with multiple children at McMillin).

PTA Membership Drive: JOIN HERE

McMillin PTA is a vital partnership to to our school’s success.  Joining PTA directly benefits YOUR child.  Here are some reasons to join PTA:

  1. Know what’s happening at McMillin and provide input that enhances your child’s educational, social and enrichment experiences at school.
  2. PTA functions are an opportunity to meet other families and teachers, build rapport, share ideas and experiences that enhance our school community.
  3. By volunteering, you can use your unique skills, hobbies, talents towards a worthy cause that directly benefits your child and the children in our community.
  4. By getting involved, you can directly provide solutions that create positive changes to our school community.
  5. By joining and/or volunteering you are modeling for your child that education and community service are important to you, thus instilling that importance in them.


Picture Day August 25th 2022

Seeking School Site Council Parent Representatives

Dear McMillin Community,
We are seeking parents to join school site council. The purpose of this council is to monitor the progress of our school plan, which includes the budgets to accompany it. Parent representatives provide valuable input concerning the curriculum and activities that expand the core curriculum assured by district categorical funding. The School Site Council is an elected decision-making body for the school. Parents represent half of the 10-member committee. Members serve a 2 year term. If you are interested please complete the form here: SSC Interest Form