This Week At McMillin

Dear Families,

Thank you for attending Curriculum Night.  We loved seeing so many of our families on campus!


There is still time to join the PTA.  CLICK HERE TO JOIN.

School Site Council

Congratulations to our new SSC parent representatives:

  • Jessica Pullar
  • Krystal Campbell
  • Claribel Pummay

Our first meeting is on Wednesday August 17th, see AGENDA

District B-LAC Committee Meeting

CVESD B-LAC Meeting 8.18.22 6 p.m pdf

District DAC/DELAC Meeting Agendas

1. 08-16-2022 Agenda DAC-DELAC-SPANISH (MC)

1. 08-16-2022 Agenda DAC-DELAC-ENGLISH

Picture Day August 25th

Why is School Attendance So Important?

Please schedule appointments during breaks or after school to maximize in class time.  Please remember to report all absences to