Join McMillin Parent Committees – 2020-21 school year

Join McMillins SSC, PTA, & DAC/DELAC!


We have a saying in education: a child’s first teachers—their first role models—are their parents. Parents play a major role in the success of their children and by extension the success of our school.

McMillin has many opportunities for parent involvement. We are currently seeking nominations for parent representation on the following board positions.

  1. McMillin’s Parent-Teacher Association is seeking nomination for next year’s PTA President, Treasurer, and Secretary. These board positions are typically a two-year term. Meetings are monthly.
  2. School Site Council (SSC) is seeking nomination for membership on McMillin’s School Site Council. Our School Site Council (SSC) represents parents, students, community members, and school staff in school governance. School Site Council (SSC) and Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) are comprised of parents, community members, teachers, the principal, and other school personnel. This Council develops, implements, and continually monitors and evaluates the Single Plan for Student Achievement, a documented plan of action to raise the academic performance of students and improve the school’s education program. The SSC is directly involved with staff development planning. These positions on SSC are typically a two-year term.
  3. The English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) and the District Advisory Committee is seeking a McMillin parent representative. McMillin’s DAC/DELAC Representative advises the principal and the SSC on programs and services for English Learners. The representative attends a meeting once per month at the district with the school principal. For more information