
snowman_happyholidaysWe can’t believe it is already the last week of classes for 2018 and that half of the school year is coming to a close. Thank you to each of our families for your support and dedication to our McMillin community. We are grateful for all of you! On behalf of all of us at McMillin Elementary, we want to wish everyone a terrific Winter Break.  It has been a fantastic first half of the school year!  Our students are amazing and we are fortunate to have the best teachers and staff in the Chula Vista Elementary School District.



Report cards will be sent home Friday, December 21st with your students.  Please let us know if you have any questions.


holiday-computerIf you would like your students to practice skills over the break, please check out the many options at under Student Links. Achieve 3000, Go Math, iReady, Imagine Learning,  Raz Kids,  and Khan Academy are all available to your students at home.  BrainPop is another great site to learn about history and science.  It is also a great way to increase vocabulary and comprehension.

Lost and Found

imgresAs the second quarter comes to a close, please be sure to stop by the lost and found to identify any of your child’s belongings. We will be donating all unclaimed items on Friday, December 21.


Save-the-Date-1-300x300Our third quarter will begin on Tuesday, January 15 and it is a minimum day. We are looking forward to a wonderful third quarter with our students!