Principal Update
Welcome back to another week! Please remember in honor of Veteran’s Day, there is NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY NOVEMBER 11. We hope you enjoy the three-day weekend. Thank you to all our Veterans and their families! We appreciate your service!
Interim Principal: Thomas Rodrigo. Email:
Associate Principal, Jacqueline Gracia. Email:
Family Read
Feel free to bring blankets and curl up somewhere cozy, in the classroom or out on the grass with your student!
To help with the long lines, we are now offering a pre-sign in. Starting last Thursday and continuing through this week, parents, guardians or family members wishing to read with their children during our Family Read Event can come to the front office, have their ID scanned, and sign up. Individuals who sign in ahead of time will be able to go through a Fastpass lane the morning of the event, and will simply need to show their ID to get their visitor badge. At 8:15 families and guardians will report to the auditorium for a welcome message, and then you will be dispersed to classrooms at 8:30. The event will end at 9 am, and all visitors will exit through the office at the end of the event. The back gate will remain closed during this event.
Please be advised that parking is limited. We strongly encourage families to walk to school the morning of the Family Read Event, or allow extra time to park.
CHKS Consent and School Wide Contest
We need your voice! The California Healthy Kids Survey (5th grade) and Hanover Survey (4th-6th grade) provides families with an opportunity to provide feedback on our culture, climate and safety at McMillin Elementary. We want to make sure we hear as many voices as possible from your children/students, our families and our staff. Your participation will help us improve our services!
A permission slip should have come home for you to review and sign so that your child can participate in the survey. If you agree, please read, sign and return the document ASAP. If you have any questions, please email our district representative, Giovanna Castro ( Thank you!
Federal Survey
All students should have received a yellow Federal Survey form this week. This is sent home annually, and our goal is to get 100% of them back. Please make sure they are filled out completely, with a signature and date of Nov. 1, 2024 (or after) or they will be returned to you to complete. We greatly appreciate your help in getting these back as soon as possible.
PTA Goodwill Donation Event
Purge your unwanted items and outgrown clothing and donate to Goodwill to make room for all the incoming holiday presents! You can help support the school, your student’s classroom, the environment, and the community!!!
We are proud partners of the Goodwill School Program so we can help support their mission to provide training and jobs for our community members.
Bring a Goodwill School Ticket (make sure to fill it out with student name, school & teacher) with your donation of clothing, shoes, books, and/or household items to:
Goodwill Eastlake Retail Store
📍2220 Otay Lakes Rd #501, Chula Vista 91915
🗓️ Dates: November 1- 17
Envelopes with the info and tickets will be going home early this week, if they haven’t been sent home already.
Participation helps the school with supplies and educational tools!
Contact with any questions. Happy purging!
CVESD Holiday Card Contest
With the holiday season just around the corner, the 2024-2025 Holiday Card Contest is here! Please find the information and instructions for this year’s contest below. The top two cards for McMillin will be submitted to our district level contest. Please submit to your child’s teacher or the front office by 1:30 on Friday November 22nd (before we leave for Thanksgiving Break) so we can send our top two to the district by Monday December 2nd.
1. Submissions must be on 8 1/2 x 11 white or colored paper and may include artwork alone or with a simple greeting such as Season’s Greetings from CVESD or Happy Holidays.
2. All modes of artwork are allowed, from crayons to paint and oil pastels.
3. Only two submissions are allowed for each school site.
4. Deadline to submit cards to McMillin is November 22nd
Attendance Update
Did you know that missing 18 days in a school year is considered chronically absent? This not only impacts students’ academic wellbeing, but also their social relationships with their peers. McMillin’s Chronic Absenteeism Rate for the 23-24 school year was 12%. We dropped an outstanding 6% from the year prior! We’d like to continue that trend and our chronic absenteeism goal for this year is 8%.
Here’s our attendance from last week. Our goal is to reach 97% attendance overall each week. Our overall average last week was: 94 %.
We miss you when you’re out!
CVESD Parent University Workshop
CVESD University is a learning experience for parents and guardians. The program’s goal is to provide families with the tools needed to engage in their child’s educational journey in a fun, engaging program. The CVESD University Page can be visited by clicking HERE
The next workshop is “No Seriously, I’m okay” on Tuesday November 19th, from 4-5 pm at the District Office
(84 E J Street, Chula Vista). Families will learn basic techniques they can easily adopt at home to manage stress
Important Dates Quarter 2
November 11: Legal Holiday, Veterans Day. No School.
November 13: English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting 1:30-2:00 Library
November 14: School Site Council Meeting 3:00-4:00, Room 603 ****NOTE THIS IS A DATE CHANGE****
November 15th: Family Read
November 18- November 22: 6th grade camp
November 22: Holiday Cards due to McMillin
November 25-29th: Thanksgiving Week Break
December 2: Students return. Regular Day. Dismissal is at 2:45.
December 2- December 20: Local Measures Mid Year Assessment Windows
December 9: TK/K Winter Concert 5-7 pm
December 10-December 13: Holiday Store
December 10:1st/2nd Winter Concert 5-7 pm
December 11: 3rd/4th Winter Concert 5-7 pm
December 12: 5th/6th Winter Concert 5-7 pm
December 18: English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting 1:30-2:00 Library
December 23 – January 13: Winter Break.
Thanks for reading, and remember, it’s PAWSitively Great to be Beagle! Have a great week!
-Jacqueline Gracia